April 18, 2009

Enlève tes doigts d'ici gamin!

Gamin has been recently patched on FreeBSD. This may change dramaticaly the way you use USB sticks, so here is a quick tutorial (for those who don't speak french, the title says put your fingers away kid).

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March 30, 2009

We can haz Nouveau on FreeBSD!

Nouveau is a project which aims at producing Open Source 3D drivers for nVidia cards.

As a good resolution for new year 2008, I wanted to have an IPv6 network and switch to 64bit. Unfortunately I have a nVidia video card and two screens, making it impossible to use the free/libre nv video driver. For this reason, I was stuck with the proprietary, bugged and 32bit only nvidia video driver, which was the only non-FLOSS package on my system. This sucked!

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March 10, 2009

mencoder switches I am always looking for

Each time I want to use mencoder, I have to search the man page at least 10 minutes to find-out the options I am looking for. But each time, I wonder why I am always searching for the very same options... This bores me, so let's list switches I should learn by heart:

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March 1, 2009


Last month, I wrote to the TypeMatrix guys asking for skins availability. They hopped to have some by February, unfortunatelly, no TypeMatrix skins are available yet :'(.

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February 1, 2009


According to the answer I got for an e-mail sent earlier this year to the guys at TypeMatrix, the TypeMatrix 2030 skins will be available this month…

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January 25, 2009

Meta-note-taking with Tomboy

Just wrote a Tomboy add-in allowing the user to keep notes in Tomboy notes. The idea? If just like me you rely a lot on short tags such as TODO or FIXME, you find it convenient to have the editor highlight them. It is exactly what the add-in has been designed for.

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December 23, 2008

TeXLive architecture dependent files

I am having fun with TeXLive under FreeBSD, and while trying to understand what is utterly needed in the 5229 packages provided by the distribution, I discovered a funny thing…

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December 20, 2008

Why you should not use old-style PGP encrypted / signed messages

Just received another mail signed in the the old-style way:


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November 3, 2008

make mayonnaise

Today was the second time I tried to make mayonnaise.

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October 11, 2008

Writting consistent tests

I recently encountered a somewhat funny problem when porting Labyrinth to FreeBSD, python complaining about some locale.bindtextdomain that does not exist.

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