April 18, 2009

Enlève tes doigts d'ici gamin!

Categories: FreeBSD, Sysadmin.

Gamin has been recently patched on FreeBSD. This may change dramaticaly the way you use USB sticks, so here is a quick tutorial (for those who don't speak french, the title says put your fingers away kid).

What you used to do

  1. plug your USB device in. The device automagically appears on the desktop and by default a file manager window shows its contents;
  2. copy your files;
  3. left-click the device and select Unmount Volume;
  4. click Ok when a message dialog tells you that the volume cannot be unmounted :-s;
  5. Choose one:
    • If you are a violent person,
      1. open a terminal;
      2. run killall -9 gam_server && umount /media/KINGSTON
      3. unplug your USB device.
    • If you are not a violent person,
      1. save your work;
      2. close your session;
      3. log-in into a console;
      4. run gnome-unmount --pseudonym KINGSTON
      5. unplug your USB device;
      6. log-out from the console and log-in to X.

The new way of doing it

  1. plug your USB device in. The device automagically appears on the desktop and by default a file manager window shows its contents;
  2. copy your files;
  3. left-click the device and select Unmount Volume;
  4. unplug your USB device :-D.

I'm not sure that FreeBSD is the platform of choice for beginners, but this problem was really irritating. Having it fixed may help people discovering FreeBSD not running away screaming I guess.

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